Executive Coaching and Strategic Guidance
We believe everyone should be able to access coaching and mentoring. Coaching is fundamental to high performance (just think of world class athletes or your own education) yet as professionals we take for granted the importance and need for guidance and external perspective.
Our Executive Coaching and Strategic Guidance is a powerful catalyst for professional and personal growth at the highest levels.
We support executive leaders to reflect, plan and execute personal and professional goals, including business planning, leadership training, career progression and transition.
Our expertise is drawn from experience - we understand because we’ve been there.
Our Approach:
We tailor our support around you. We use an innovative holistic framework that brings together business management coaching, executive leadership coaching, and life coaching to develop tailored, high-impact strategies for your personal and professional growth.
We begin with a 30-minute exploratory session to understand your needs and ambitions, and then agree a tailored plan using one or a combination of the following structures:
An intensive 6-10 session program to analyse and develop a high impact strategy.
Ongoing mentoring and strategic guidance.
A one-off "power session" – to develop a rapid, high impact strategy (typically to respond to a particular challenge that you are managing).
We support executive leaders with any of the following:
Strategic guidance to senior executives – providing essential perspective and analysis of pathways to impact as you implement professional and business objectives.
Executive coaching – we will help you to develop a strong foundation in your personal values and wellbeing as the basis for high professional performance, which includes understanding enabling and inhibiting mindset factors that underpin your professional success. From there we identify the hard and soft skills, strategies and resources required to execute your professional and business goals, and guide you through a personalised plan for success. Key skills that we will cover include leadership, organizational management, decision making and presenting.
Business management coaching – we have extensive experience in business management from inception through to maturation, expansion and evolution. We support executive leaders assess, design and implement including start-ups, product and service development, legal and financial planning, capital and share raising, marketing and communications.
Career coaching – we have supported many high performing executives to intentionally plan career progressions and transitions, including market assessment, skills stock-take and development, interview preparations and salary negotiations
Life coaching – our professional lives play out in the context of our inner personal life, and without nurturing ourselves on a personal emotional and psychological level things can become difficult. We will help you to take stock of your values and what matters to you, and develop personalised strategies and tools to build your life around those values.
Your Coach:
Anton Ofield-Kerr is the Executive Director of Equal International. Anton has provided coaching support, strategic guidance and mentorship to senior executives in the corporate sector, government, international non-government organizations, and United Nations agencies for over 10 years. Anton has managed successful start-ups including an international consultancy firm and think, and a special educational needs provision.
Anton is a strategy specialist, with a unique ability to identify and nurture the added value and strengths of a person, organisation, product or programme. He is passionate about supporting leaders and innovators build high impact organisations and profitable values-driven businesses.
Through his consultancy and more than 25 years working in the global health sector, Anton has developed methodologies for strategy development and supporting "ideation to implementation" – conceptualizing and implementing powerful solutions to complex organizational and social challenges.
Anton is also a qualified therapist specialising in Rapid Transformation Therapy – a form of hypnosis which helps clients understand and overcome inhibiting personal narratives and mental habits.
Contact for more information and an initial conversation:
Email: anton@equalinternational.org
Telephone: +447951022052